Thursday, April 21, 2011


As many of you know, I started out really wanting to hate the iPhone. Those crazy nutjobs at my previous place of employment were constantly tossing money down the tube and while, yes, many times such tossing greatly benefited me, I didn't always feel right about it. So when the iPhone first came out and the demented duo that runs the place insisted that we all get one, I immediately took the stance of "really, can we be any more frivolous?". Because lets face it: these things weren't cheap in those first couple of years. And, then I used my good girlfriend's when we were on a roadtrip. "Damn it," I thought within 2 mins of holding the revolutionary little device. "This is pretty f*ing cool." And so when I got back to the office on Monday, I had to admit it: I wanted one. Five days later I had one, and about one nanosecond after that, I was hooked (so much so, by the way, that the first place I went after walking out of Nutjob Central for the last time was... yep, you guessed it: AT&T, to get me a new one).

And now, 4 years later, just when I thought my love affair with iSara (yes that's it's registered name) couldn't get any more intense, I found one more way for it to enhance my life: an app to let me blog on the go: BlogWriter. (side note: there really IS an app for everything. I just learned that I could, if I was as sick and sex starved as apparently some iOwners are, take this love affair to the next level and download a personal massager app.... Eww! Really? Really? They're not that expensive ladies, just go buy a real one. Mental note: think twice before borrowing someone else's phone... But I digress...)

Anyway, all this to say: this is my test entry to see how well this will work. If it passes the test, this is going to be quite handy on the upcoming expedition I depart on next week. I hope to document the adventure here so as to satisfy the curious and, yes, slightly jealous minds of friends and family, as well as tame my mother's undeniable fear that I might have been kidnapped, run-over, or bitten by a malaria-ridden mosquito.

Supposedly I can post photos here too. So let's try that now as well. I think I'll choose a Kanoa photo... In case you haven't heard that little family unit of three that I love so much, just became a unit of four. GO TEAM KLAJA!

Alright, here goes nothin'! I guess I just push send to post?

1 comment:

Sara-Smile said...
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