As we all know, airports are fabulous places to people watch. It can be quite the entertainment experience, really. Such a variety of performers. There's the clueless bumpkin struggling to deal with the sensory overload that comes with being in a "big city" setting (and yes, I use the term "big city" loosely, as this can be found in pretty much any airport based in an area with a population base exceeding 10K). And then, there's the poor mother of 3 trying to reign her offspring into a 20-foot radius (while silently cursing their father who conveniently opted to stay home this trip). Or how about the old couple in the corner yelling at one another about their forgotten prescriptions ("I told you not to foget them!" "I couldn't hear you!" "What?")? My favorite though? The generally nervous traveler constantly checking his watch, looking up at the gate ("don't wanna miss that plane"), who makes sure he is in line to board 20 mins in advance of the preboarders despite holding a ticket for seat #2 (meaning he will be the last to board). He's the same one who stands up immediately after the flight lands, regardless of the fact that on this flight he is all the way in the back.
Today, however, I get the pleasure of seeing something that I haven't seen in awhile: the fanny pack. Now, yes, of course I've see multiple members of the geriatric population sporting such style, but it's been awhile since I've seen a one on an under-65-er. This morning though we have a nice 40ish gentleman fashionista. To make matters worse, its clipped low under his middle-aged "I've been drinking everything alcoholic since 17" belly. In fact I doubt I would have noticed it (doubt I could have) except that when he bent over to get his bag, he had to shift it off to the side so as not to squish certain manparts while bending over the few degrees.
Had I been a little more iPhone sneaky, and had the oh so graceful move presented itself, I would have video'd it for you. That way you could have "enjoyed" the moment from your living room, cube, bus ride or wherever you are as much as I did.
Alright time to board to paradise... C'mon now, don't hate.
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