Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Things I learned in 2006

A good New Year's kiss really is amazing.

Sunlight does wonders for the soul.

Say what you feel when you feel it – because it's what's real that counts.

A kumquat is not a squash; it's a fruit.

Returning home is sometimes harder than leaving in the first place.

It CAN happen to anybody, and it does more than you think.

Credit Cards are the devil.

A bottle of wine, chips & salsa, and a sunset on the beach with a good friend can bandage any emotional wound.

I may want you, but I don't NEED you.

Be careful what you wish for – it just may come true.

You don't have to like everybody. And, not everybody has to like you.

Trust your gut; if something doesn't seem right, it probably isn't.

Never sleep with a friend.

Gluten-free may be good for you, but it's not good (even when its served as breakfast in bed).

There's really no need to be in such a hurry.

Some secrets are good to keep.

I may not want to be with you, but damn it, I want you to want to be with me.

Soy really shouldn't be steamed hotter than 130 degrees.

Al natural is prettier than you think.

Being flattered by someone's affection is not the same as returning the feeling.

Sometimes, all you have to do is ask.

Blondes might have more fun; but, Brunettes get more respect.

When it comes down to it we really don't want to be with someone who doesn't really want to be with us.

Risking it all to have one thing is worth more than risking nothing to have everything.

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