Well, its now 2008 and I feel I must continue last year's What I Learned blog... each year, it changes - thank God. I assume that means I'm not making the same mistakes year after year? Anyway, here goes.
It really is possible to like your job.
Above all else, be nice to people - in the end, you'll feel better.
Yes, I AM just like my mother - and proud of it.
8 months might as well be a lifetime.
Remembering tragedy is part of healing; dwelling on it is not.
Pizza is quite possibly the best food ever created.
Someone can move 3 quarters of the way around the world and still continue to grow closer and closer to you every day.
I really don't like skiing.
Giving someone a second chance doesn't mean that what they did in the first place was okay.
Bumbershoot should be a 21 and over event. Period.
That one doesn't count.... definitely doesn't count.
You have to love yourself before you can truly love someone else.
Its okay to want more.
My favorite things about NYC are Charlie, Kevin and Merissa.
No matter how many times it happens, disappointment is still painful.
Vonage sucks.
Suzanne, Liz, Jenny, and Sarah are more than I could have ever asked for.
Take advantage of your health insurance; when you don't have it, you'll inevitably really need it.
Your lips can be absolutely mesmerizing.
I hate shrimp. Yes, even shrimp cocktail.
Black and White is still my favorite; but Color is definitely growing on me.
Closure is a very satisfying thing.
I'm worth more than what you wanted to give.
While a baby is still not something I long for, its no longer something I never want.
I'm allowed to change my mind, and then change it back again... twice.