$4600 in cash, only 2 broken champagne glasses, and a black eye ---- I'd say it was a good night.
Well, we pulled it off. Friend and I put on a party that seemed to live up to everyone's expectations. It lived up to mine. We worked our asses off and still had an amazing time - not an easy thing to accomplish. After we figure out our expenses, we will present a check to Athena Partners much bigger than we anticipated at the beginning of this little project. I can't believe it! What a way to ring in the new year - with almost all of your friends surrounding you, all giving to a good cause. I hear the rumblings of an annual plan in the mix....
The Convent (who says nuns can't score?) converted quite nicely to Hotel NYE, the living room strewn with passed out bodies remnants of a kickass celebration. Its nice to know that if there were ever some sort of natural disaster and our townhouse was the only livable structure available in a 2 mile radius, we could handle it - no problem.
Time for the letdown period to kick in... I am sure that it will happen sooner than later. I get like that, you know. I work non-stop on a project and then when its over, I feel a bit lazy, a bit lost, a bit bored. It hasn't hit me quite yet - my body is in shock, exhausted with aching muscles and trying its hardest to fight off a cold (keep going, you can do it, don't give in!). But it will come soon, I know.
But now I must get to sleep - yes, I realize it's not quite 9:00 yet. Live my life these past 2 weeks and then propose an argument.
Real quick before I go, I better add a disclaimer about the Black Eye: totally innocent, and definitely worth it - we'll call it a war wound (so hold the concerned emails; I am not in an abusive relationship seeking refuge).
So, Happy New Year - and, fuck the resolutions -- just have fun in 2007, okay?!?!