I am used to the waiting game. Sometimes I feel like I have spent my whole life waiting - in line, in traffic, in the emergency room, for you, for him, for her, for your mom, for something better, for someone better, for good news, for bad news, for really bad news, in vain, in tears, while barely suppressing laughter, to die, to fall asleep, to wake up, to get up, to say something, for it to get good, for you to finish, for the damn mail, for countless emails, for a certain phonecall, a text message, a myspace message, for the climax, for a sale, for payday, for the pain to stop, for the pain to start, for test results and for the second test results, for pictures to be developed, for my big break, for fireworks, for the rain to let up, for snow, for a heartbeat, for more.
And now I must wait until Friday to find out if I got the job.